Members Andrei Posted November 23, 2024 Members Posted November 23, 2024 It is wrong to use the Lord's name in vain, and as such, to demonstrate my obedience in His Will for this forum, I am now instructed that this service is to respect Yeshua's Shabbat covenant and observe the day of rest that our haMaschiah asks of us so that He may work blessings and miracles into our story. Considering that this life is a trial that is preparing us for the next stage, it is important to heed the warnings that Our Salvation spoke to our forefathers all those thousands of years ago... keeping the Sabbath is important to keeping a close eye on Yeshua's heart in your own life. As such, when I personally look at the state of the world and ask the Lord, how do I help contribute to the best America's Comeback that we can possibly have? Two things He is asking me to do: Obey Every Commandment Step Boldly Into Your Calling Proclaiming The Good News This will begin appearing on the America's Comeback forum every Friday at 7:30PM EST and will be offline until Saturday at 8:30PM EST in observance of Yeshua's Shabbat. During this time, I encourage you to consult with the Holy Scriptures and specifically focus on the exceptional false teachings preaching to billions currently that Jesus doesn't want you to observe the Torah and Sabbath; but rather to believe such lies, He says to me, condemns you to discovering the Way, The Path, and the Life that only Yeshua can offer you. To participate in the Shabbat doesn't require anything that you can't have or do, but rather, Yeshua was bringing the practices into the Gentile world to share the Good News that Salvation is not done through obedience in Pharisaical conduct, such as the Talmud and Sandhedrin scriptures that condone child sex abuse for victims as young as 3 years old. Yeshua was sent by Our Heavenly Father, YeHoVah, to stop this practice that has been ongoing for the last 6,000 years. It's a death cult that Yeshua is ending in our generation. Repenting of your sins is key because you've walked in ignorance and blindness for the last 6,000 years and were mislead by both Jew and Gentile to suffer eternal damnation to condemning dogma language. Rather, when you interact directly with Yeshua and bypass the curses that Man have placed upon God for turning His back on him, can be seen in the fruits that you yield and experience the 1,000 fold increase in your return. The efforts sown into the last 8 years by me have been to manifest and deliver to you America's Comeback! This nation was founded by white men who worshipped Jesus Christ of Nazareth and who introduced the King of Israel and the God of the Jews to Squanto, the native living in the Americas leading his people. When Squanto was introduced to Yeshua, through the guise of Jesus Christ, Squanto immediately understood who Yeshua was, and upon receiving His Word that America was to be handed over to these new settlers, Squanto complied not knowing what would fall onto his people through the brutality and savagery that the British showed to their enemies. Yeshua, rather, teaches you to pray for your enemies; rather than scalping them because you believe them to be irredeemable. Regardless of what happened back then, we are collectively all here today in this present time, and you reading this post is definitely NOT a coincidence. It's a higher calling that not only does your eternal Salvation rest in the Salvation that only Yeshua offers freely to you; because by virtue of how God built you in the first place; its only a matter of arrogance mixed with ignorance blinded by fear and confusion that keeps a person from turning to Yeshua. By turning to Yeshua, you introduce to your life the consent that His Holy Spirit, Yeshua's Rauch [rookh] QoDesh to convict you of your sins before Judgement Day. By voluntarily introducing your Heavenly Father's Son, whom YeHoVah sent to save us from us, into your life, you're allowing judgmental convictions of Yeshua's spirit to fall upon your life. Many self-described Christians express a disconnect with God when they turn to Jesus for the first time and invite the healing process of returning to God to fully form in their own lives. However, the true teachings of Yeshua show us that not only was Yeshua showing non-Jews the way, the path and the light; but he was challenging the Religious authorities of the time that claimed the information possessed by the Rabbis in consultation with performing YeHoVah approved rituals to summon His Rauch QoDesh for their petitions, that All of YeHoVah's creation should have that free and open access to their Heavenly Father; because as the book of Isiah reads, YeHoVah turned His back upon us for a brief period, as a parent to a disapproving child, that when He turned it back upon Adam, Adam gave the kingdom of the Earth over to Satan and from that point forward, the Rabbis who call themselves Jews have been perpetuating genocide, child sacrifice, blood harvesting and other crimes against YeHoVah as outlined in Torah because of the intentional misteachings in the Talmud over what YeHoVah's will is. Instead, what Yeshua showed us was the Talmud was incompatible with YeHoVah and that the Jews were to heed Yeshua's warning and cease the Pharisaical Idolatry and spread the Good News to the rest of the world. This is Good News. If you're a Christian and you love Jesus Christ, this post should bring tears of joy to your heart knowing that America is returning to the Lord whom the Holy Bible prophesied would happen. The entire world belongs to Yeshua and was given to Him by YeHoVah for His Ultimate Sacrifice that He paid for us on the cross. On the day of Judgement, many will cry out to the Lord saying, Lord! Lord! Did we not cast demons out in your Name and perform miracles in your Name? And Yeshua will say to you, Depart from me, you workers of iniquity... you workers of lawlessness. Being obedient in the laws outlined to the Jews by YeHoVah that Yeshua is asking all Jew and Gentile alike to come into obedience with is to honor and respect the Sabbath as it was created by YeHoVah. Today in America, Christians are worshipping an imposter named Jesus Christ who commands you to worship on Sundays and does not teach you the significance of unleavened bread and the frequency to which Yeshua asked us to participate in the Last Supper. America mocks Yeshua and perpetuates misinformation about the haMaschiah Yeshua at the request of Rabbis who worship the Talmud. Given that the United States was founded on the principal that each person has the right to their own religious expression of finding God and that Government shall not make laws that give preference to one religion over the other; and nor can the Government use its power to sanctify or enforce a particular religious practice. Law and culture are different, and while laws on the books allow racists to foam words of hate, culture embraces components of religious practices that many do truly hate regardless of which race is committing the act. However, when the conversations become what the Jews do, versus what the Jews believe, versus what the Jews SHOULD do and believe are all different situations to address individually. Each person must come to repentance of their fall from Grace. What does that mean? Well, allow me to borrow a metaphor from Yeshua Himself directly for you. As many of us representing the Great Awakening have called upon to you, nothing can stop what is coming and either you're on team Yeshua + Team America or you're on Team Satan. This is the last generation before Yeshua's return. Therefore, aligning this forum with the teachings of Yeshua will help YOU come into alignment with the Way, the Path, and the Life that will not condemn you to betray your own existence as an Elohim; but accept the free Gift of Yeshua and be an Elohim; but to do so, you must allow the Holy Rauch QoDesh to finish transforming you. Once the transformation begins, it won't stop. It's who are you. It's who you've always been. It's who you were, before the fathers of the Kingdom of the World conspired to hide your true identity from you. You are an Elohim. Not a human. You're an Elohim having a human experience. Welcome to America's Comeback! Quote
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