2 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
In observance with my own obedience in Yeshua's Commandments, I seek to use the skills that have been given to me to freely give to others so that they too may apply their own alignment in Yeshua's Commandments with their efforts online. This script is called IPS.Shabbat and its available on GitHub completely free and unlicensed. IPS.Shabbat This plugin allows you to observe the Sabbath on your IPS Community that is self-hosted. Installation IPS Community: /var/www/ips PHP: 8.1.27 Linux: Rocky 9 Database: MariaDB Install the shabbat.php script inside your /var/www/ips directory so it lives a…
Last reply by Erik, -
- 0 replies
#!/bin/bash set -e # Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status [ "${DEBUG:-0}" == "1" ] && set -x # Enable debug mode set -u # Exit if an unset variable is used set -C # Prevent existing files from being overwritten using '>' [ "${VERBOSE:-0}" == "1" ] && set -v # Print shell input lines as read # Check for root privileges if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run with sudo" exit 1 fi # Get the actual user who ran sudo ACTUAL_USER="${SUDO_USER:-$USER}" ACTUAL_HOME=$(getent passwd "$ACTUAL_USER" | cut -d: -f6) PHPSTORM_HOME="${ACTUAL_HOME}/.jetbrains/phpstorm" PHPSTORM_SESSIONS="${PHPSTORM_HOME}/sessions" PH…
Last reply by Andrei,