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🔥 Instances of PhoenixVault 2.0

Websites running the apario-reader can get added here to drive additional traffic to your instance.


  1. electionselections.com   (28 visits to this link)

    Published on 12/25, electionselections.com is a collection of records published by Erik using the apario-reader v1.

  2. jfkfiles.projectapario.com   (25 visits to this link)

    2023 JFK Assassination Records fully searchable unlike the censored NARA Released JFK Files.

  3. projectstargate.info   (30 visits to this link)

    In 2017 the CIA released 12K pages of DIA STAR GATE files on Remote Viewing, Astral Projection and advanced consciousness. In 2024, Project Apario made full fully searchable for the first time ever.

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